Friday, March 26, 2010

Fight Each Adversity Resiliently

Fear. At some point or another, we all have fear.

It isn’t a sign of weakness; indeed once you can recognize it, it’s a sign of strength. Yet, we don’t like to admit fear because we think it to be a weakness. Or we let it happen to us too often. Neither is a healthy practice. Too much fear accomplishes nothing; too little fear leads to mistakes. Here, as in many realms of life (drinking, relaxation, etc.), moderation is key.

When you wake up in the morning, there should be no fear. You have a whole day ahead of you with tremendous possibilities. Twenty-four hours to do with as you please. When opportunities arise, no fear. These opportunities are blessings and would not become present in your life if not for you to embrace them with tenacity and good faith! When challenges arise, little or no fear. Daily tribulations can mangle our ambition, diminish our goals, and—if you let them take full control—dismantle our dreams. But, proper management of fear can make these minute struggles part of your process of achievement, and if you’re a true life warrior, routine.

Roughest is the management of fear in the face of adversity. Adversity strikes at no convenient time for anyone. If I have learned anything from the relatively miniscule amounts of adversity in my life, it is that with adversity comes a challenge: as one who is put through fire and friction, it is your responsibility to be a gem, a precious gem, for others! This doesn’t mean to go out and achieve and make known one’s self! Indeed I have discovered quite the opposite—no! We, I, You, must listen, empathize, and relate to those who come into our previously occupied situation anew! It is irresponsible and downright uncompassionate to sit back and put one’s baggage on a pedestal. I have particular trouble with this.

So again, I write for you, I write for me.

Don’t let fear stop you—don’t let a lack of it kill you.



  1. Those "!" really got me going. Could kinda hear you yelling. Good stuff.

  2. Nice message, I'm actually in a class where we have been talking about how people need to learn to be more resilient. People in our society have so many crutches that they blame failures on that keep them from becoming what they want to be. It's hard to teach people to become resilient though, they have to experience hardships first. Also a person has to deal with those hardships the right way, when life knocks a person to their knees they must either choose to face their problems or run from them. In our society there are too many people expecting an easy life and they expect quick fixes, so instead of fighting through pain and building resilience they turn to alcohol or some other escape. This is one of the bigger problems with our society today I think, along with people having a serious lack of empathy as well as closed minds. I could rant on longer but I think I've spewed enough. At least the health care bill passed. Nice blog buddy.

  3. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” - Yoda (quote him when you can)

    That being said, being aware of fear, as you say is the first step to avoiding the path it leads you on.

  4. I enjoy reading things that tell me to live through my fear. It is a good reminder and without these reminders I often feel that I would just live life unaware.

    Thanks for the reminders and for putting into words things that I feel but cannot articulate so well. :)

  5. Sam you should read the story of Jim Carrey.

