Saturday, February 13, 2010

Squirrel Flavored Coffee

The precipice of situation is a constant state of being for all of us. “I am beginning a new chapter this week.” “I just need to get focused and finish this project—then I will be relieved.” “It will all be downhill from here.” Whether it is beginning, end, or even middle (respectively), we all tend to rush on to the next thing, the end of one thing, or through something without seeing the beauty in the moment.

If you have ever experienced any kind of inspirational or wise anecdote, you know this principle…Hallmark, Oxygen, and Disney movies are littered with it… Take Pleasure in the Little Things in Life.

Lo and behold, I am a hypocrite! However, I did give this a shot! At the beginning of the semester, I kept a little list of small things I love that I notice throughout my day. Alas, much like everyone else in the meritocracy, I found myself too busy to write my little joys (and even my blog articles!). But here I am. Coming back to them with a little humor and hopefully a little insight.

FAT SQUIRRELS: During the winter, the college campus is filled with squirrels like the warmer parts of the year. The difference during the cold months is that those awesome little brown fluffballs have apparently lost all of their Nutri-Slim. It is really easy to catch yourself watching them climb up trees and scurrying across the sidewalks with considerably less agility.

SCENT/TASTE of COFFEE: Not much to say here. It’s like day-time liquor without stumbling: takes the edge off, makes the people you’re around more bearable, and rather addictive…(Despite the similarities, I wouldn't advise you switching these two around lest you want some more spirited discussion at work/school. And by spirited I mean drunk.)

COOL UNDERSIDE OF THE PILLOW: Duh. Especially if you live in apparently nuclear powered dorm I do.

Have at it,


  1. crunchy leaves. they were quite abundant during the fall. now if you're lucky and it's a dry day, you can still find a good one.

  2. I am going to have to second the smell/taste of coffee...I believe it to be the elixir of life. Next would be warm chocolate chip cookies served on an airplane. Finally, the following equation: Recliner + Blanket + Book (not related to school) = Happiness.

  3. bubble wrap. enough said.

  4. Reading a book instead of watching TV after work. Finding a letter from a friend in my mail box. The perfect white chocolate Mocah in the morning on the way to work. Finding a new song and listening to it on repeat on iTunes! :)

    Great blog topic and once again timed very well for what is going on in my life. I needed a reminder of the small things that bring great joy! Keep blogging Sam!

