Thursday, January 7, 2010

Team Deathmatch on Isolation

War is hell. So, let’s stop it.

The most costly wars of recent memory for America have all been waged in developing countries. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalian pirates? These wars have combated terrorism, employed guerrilla tactics, and have cost countless lives. The question remains to be answered though—what will achieve peace?

In developed countries, governments come to agreements. Treaties are signed, debts are paid, and the two countries move on and try to salvage some kind of compromise. What allows these countries to move on? How can peace be achieved? The ultimate solution comes from economic development: the video game system.

Video games have become more violent as graphics and gameplay have advanced, prompting many concerned parents to speak out against the subsequent effects of such desensitization. Granted, we have seen many events in recent years since Columbine that may have demonstrated public desensitization, and I do not diminish those events, but what we don’t realize is that these games keep war and conflict at low levels around the world.

Think of inflation. Governments use expansionary fiscal policy to create economic growth little by little. They raise taxes and increase spending, allowing the demand of the economy to increase and the production possibilities to follow. These economic decisions are made knowing that mild inflation may occur, but you’re sacrificing the small evil, for what you try to substantiate as a greater good.

Let’s trade up some of the parts of the metaphor. Consider video games to be the expansionary fiscal policy, the inflation to be the rise in public shootings, and the economic growth to be eventual world peace. As we spread our “expansionary fiscal policy” to the rest of the developed and developing economies, we are in turn spreading peace. The video games will pre-occupy and distract terrorists from their anti-infidel agenda as they try out new games targeted at their audience. Such as: “Death 2 America”, “Grand Theft Camel”, “Super Ahmed Bros.”, “American Invaders”, “SimVillage”, “Bomberman” (wouldn’t change from original title), “Tomb Raider” (Lara wears more clothes), and destined to be the most popular would be “Worship Hero”.
So don’t send money to help the starving in Africa, or care packages to the impoverished in the Middle East. Only through wireless internet, an Xbox 360, and Grand Theft Auto can we spread peace.

***This whole article is a joke, I promise. If it makes you a little upset or uncomfortable, go play a video game***

1 comment:

  1. your right of course - i must go buy Call of Honor 4 and teach Keira.
    How better to realize the hell of war than first/virtual-hand. She will gain in skill and cunning until no band of Nazis can stand against her. At this point she will realize all conflict is futile as all comers would be crushed. She will tire of killing the countless drones of the terrorists and spend her days fighting with words for peace.

