Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to Deep Thinking

I think no matter what stage of life we act in we are always searching for direction. Right or wrong. Move or stay. Risk or safety. Every decision is the act of weighing what we perceive to be best. And the long term can be significantly harder than the short term. While we all have different stories, motives, and goals, we all have a responsibility.

While some of the strongest words ever written were those of equality, they simply are not true. We are not all equal. Opportunities and luck are thrust upon many who either have no use for such things, or poor application of their gifts. On the other side of the spectrum rests those that are not given or are sparingly given advancing-oriented opportunities. No we are not all equal, but we all deserve equality. It is the responsibility of the gifted and blessed to give to and bless the emotionally, financially, mentally, or health impoverished. I do not profess this for the sake of deep thinking, hypocritical utterances, or the inflation of my own ego. Indeed I state this for my own conviction. Through models set before me, I have discovered the preparation I do now is not for a workplace, office, or corporation, but for people who have problems and are in need of solutions.

Hypocrisy presents itself as I selfishly indulge in my education, and hopefully continue to graduate school. I cannot control what you think of this notion, but I can remain strong in my own faith that the learning and preparation I do now will exponentially benefit those that I one day hope to serve. Proving yourself to others is easy… proving yourself to yourself is another story.

“Whatever you hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” Ecclesiastes 9:10

Follow this, but also make sure what you are doing is benefitting those that need your might.

Don’t give up on giving. I write this to help you….but I write it to help me, too.

Hope this was a good break from my typical sarcasm.



  1. Wow Sam, I really like this. It is pretty deep but I think it is very true, and something everyone needs to hear and think about sometimes. I approve.

  2. "No we are not all equal, but we all deserve equality."
    I love that and I agree wholeheartedly.

  3. this actually expresses why i'm an M.D. and not playing gigs in bars across the midwest

  4. "Proving yourself to others is easy… proving yourself to yourself is another story." Very nice my dear Bro Bro.

  5. This was a good post for me today, definitely something that I needed to read. Thanks for writing it, so that I could be reminded of it! :)

  6. In line with Dr. Eric, this is why I am going to be a math teacher, as opposed to some job were I could make a little more money.

